Ghost Busting Myths: What the Dead Tell Us

Myth #1:

Ghosts are here because they have unfinished business.

Fact: Once we leave our physical body, our karmic time here is done, for now. Because of this, ghosts incur negative karma because they can and do (many times, unwittingly) interfere with, and can cause harm to, the living. They need help in crossing over. 

Myth #2:

When my loved one crosses over, they can still visit me anytime they want.

Fact:  Spiritual Law stipulates the times when a loved one may communicate with us once they have crossed over. They may only visit us during their funeral or memorial. They can only contact us in our sleep state and occasionally keep us out of harm’s way. The truth is, they don’t come back here to vacation with us. They have other things they need to be doing for their own soul growth.

Myth #3:

Keeping my deceased loved one with me is good for them and me.

Fact: When a soul dies, they need to return HOME. Some people call it Heaven; it goes by many names. When a soul dies and does not cross over, they become a ghost. Ghosts reside in the lower astral, also known as the 4th dimension, and when this happens, they reincarnate here fractured and broken.


What If . . .

I was having this conversation a little while back about a ghost, Jolene, that I crossed over. This soul, who was stuck between dimensions, was kind and sweet. In fact, Jolene went to church every week. But she felt guilty about something. After some probing, the source of her guilt left us a bit stunned. You see, Jolene grew up being told she was “Born in sin”. She was told her entire life she was a sinner and she must repent for her sins. Since she was born in sin, surely she would die in sin. What’s the problem?

Because of this programmed belief system Jolene just ‘knew’ she was not worthy of God’s love. 

I realized that Jolene, a kind and sweet grandma, was a karmic opportunity. 

There is a bigger lesson here.

When a person commits a ‘sin’ they are then ‘guilty’ and guilt always seeks punishment. Her self-inflicted punishment was not feeling worthy of crossing over into the Heaven World.

Back to the “What if” question.

What if we replace the word sin with karma. What if we are born in karma? If we are born in karma, this means we don’t have a life sentence of guilt hanging over us. This means that we have the power to change our future. This means we have hope. Most importantly, it means we grow spiritually. We are all spiritual beings, whether we admit it or not. 

We all create our karma because we all have free will in how we act and react to life around us. The truth is, karma is a powerful tool that is woven into every being throughout time and it represents the sun total of who we are, what we are in resonance with, offering us many lessons for spiritual growth. Many times these lessons come from the families with whom we choose to incarnate.

Thank you, Jolene and the many souls we have helped cross over throughout the years. Karma doesn’t waste energy and you gave us a valuable reminder of that.

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